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Spiritual Alchemy

Writer's picture: Karen LeysKaren Leys

Updated: Apr 29, 2021

What are the intangible process stages of inner Transformation ~ Spiritual Alchemy?

The 7 Stages

1: Calcination

2: Dissolution

3: Separation

4: Conjunction

5: Fermentation

6: Distillation

7: Distillation

1: Calcination

Release……. Letting Go - Base Chakra

The Struggle Begins to Ease

Sensing a breaking down, falling apart of ways that no longer serve us

A stage in our lives where we begin breaking down our ego

Some light begins to enter the sense of darkness we feel (mind, body, Spirit)

self-doubt, stubbornness, self-sabotaging behavior, pride and arrogance are ready to be faced

Willingness to look beyond and beneath

Burning of the dross of the egoic illusions, disentanglement from the belief constructs, internal narratives & behaviours that have now come to constrict our growth. Here humility and surrender are key aspects for the beginning of the work of introspection & self evaluation.

2: Dissolution

The Beginning of Spiritual Maturity -Sacral chakra

Once ‘we’ have broken down we are left with the process of dissolution ~ the beginning of feeling less identification with our false sense of ‘self’

In this stage, our inability to take responsibility for our many faults, our avoidance of traumatising memories, and other inner tensions rise to the surface ~ The Dark Night of The Soul.

Brought about accidentally by illnesses & misfortunes OR the recognition of being sick & tired of being sick & tired

A stage for us to really begin to pay attention to what we’re doing & not doing

The existential question ~ Who Am I? finally has our attention - Soul self begins to emerge through the inner work we have plunged into. Acceptance, letting go of fear allows buried aspects to rise for healing.

3: Separation - Solar Plexus

Getting To Know The Observer 1st stage of the coming together - Soul & Spirit

Developing skills of Dis-identification assists the development of discernment

Being the objective Observer to arising internal thought & feelings & external behaviour &


Recognition of The Illusion of Suffering is emerging

Awareness develops of our projections

  • Determination, Will, Courage to keep moving through

  • Here we begin to reclaim the Divine Feminine

4: Conjunction - Heart Chakra

Cleaning House!

After purification and clarification through the first three stages, we must deeply combine the heightened elements within us through the process of Conjunction.

Conjunction provides the inner space ~ the simmering ~ that is required for us to truly and honestly accept all the parts of our ‘self’ to give space to our authentic Self.

In this stage of spiritual alchemy, our unconscious thoughts and feelings bubble up into the light of conscious awareness for Acceptance, embrace, and Loving release.

In this stage journaling, introspection, solitude, meditation are particularly useful. The phase come to be known as Processing!

Fogiveness through Sacred Ceremony, blessings - Intuition & Intelligence of the Heart blend

As Above so Below - Spirit & Matter begin their blending................

5: Fermentation - Throat Chakra

Awaiting the mystic birth of Soul & Spirit in union

Fermentation is the beginning of our process of rebirth. This stage can be compared to the death of a grape, which then becomes the birth of wine ~ In Fermentation we begin to experience moments of our more “refined” Self.

Putrefaction is the decomposition of our former selves; the process of inner death by which the old elements of our conscious and unconscious minds are allowed to rot and decompose for the fermentation, remewal of life form.

Spiritization is the stage in which we begin to look at the world in a new light. With the right guidance and with solid inner work, Spiritization involves letting go of all the aspects of ourselves and our lives that don’t serve or contribute to our spiritual transformation. This is when we taste moments of greater inner peace and stillness.

The rousing of energies - Kundalini. Our viration rises, Speaking our Truth IF the ground cultivated in the previous phases has been tended well as this will determine the outcome of what can grow

6: Disstillation - 3rd Eye Chakra

Distillation the 6th stage transformation. it is the ‘boiling’ of the fermented solution in order to purify it. In this stage psychologically the individual must move beyond their Glamour psychic forces so as to ensure that no impurities (those raised by the ego and the unconsciousness ~ Look out for the Trickster!) are carried over into the final phase of the transformation.

To distil themselves, the alchemist must engage in even deeper introspection in order to raise the psyche to new levels of purity. At this level the person is free of sentimentality, emotion or any identification with the ‗I‘ as the personal identity ~ Non~attachment

The connection to Compassion, Interconnectedness, Unity, Empathy with Equanimity ( calmness, composure with all disturbing events) emerge. Non-attachment is NOT disconnection!


Knowing the illusion of Suffering

7: Coagulation - Crown Chakra

Resurrection, Unity as the urest Essences of Body & Soul

Non~Duality ~ Nondualism refers to a mature state of consciousness, in which the dichotomy of I/other is transcended.

The meeting point between two opposites .The point where existence becomes self-aware. This is the moment when our lives are without duality; when matter becomes Spirit, where Spirit is manifests through material form, heaven & earth, life & ‘death

Life IS happening Through you NOT TO YOU!

You are the hands & feet, the words & actions, the Heart & Mind


Where Thy Will is Done!


Embodiment to the Luminous Self

This is a Continuing Process of Transformation through these 7 Stages ~ this is not a 1 time deal! If you look with honesty at your life and the patterns of events you will recognise these patterns repeating. Although seemingly they will present slightly altered. You gained something the last time you encountered them, You will gain even deeper insight this time. If you study this gift of the mystical you will become a navigator of your internal transformation and co-creator of the life that flows through you.

• In every esoteric tradition of spiritual development theses stages are foundational

• An ongoing cycle of refinement

• Recurring as our patterns recur for Transformation

This process is reflected in the stages of change in the physical body, in the development of the mind and the emotions and is beautifully reflected in the developmental phases of psychological and emotional possibilities of the chakra system stages. It is depicted in the Tree of Life, it is hidden in the processes of change throughout life. BUT we have to be aware of it in your unfolding Nature to know it and to realise it fuels the power in our personal growth as it is ignited with intention and wisdom.

With Loving Blessings


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